Media Content Policy

What Is This?

MADb uses media content to provide a visual representation of the models in the database. This includes images, videos, and other media. This policy outlines the guidelines for submitting and using media content on MADb.

This policy mnay be updated at any time. Please check this page regularly for updates.

User Submitted Content

Users can submit media content to MADb. This content is subject to review by moderators before being published. Users must have the rights to submit the content and must not submit content that violates any laws or infringes on the rights of others. By submitting content, users grant MADb a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license to use the content in connection with the MADb website and database.


Except where noted below in the "Permissions Received" section, no user may submit material that is copyrighted, unless they have the rights to do so. In general, users should only submit content that they have created themselves or that is in the public domain. Other material may be submitted, provided that the user can demonstrate that they have the rights to do so.

Inappropriate Material

Users must not submit material that is inappropriate for a general audience. This includes material that is sexually explicit, violent, or otherwise offensive. Users must also not submit material that is defamatory, libelous, or otherwise harmful to the reputation of others. MADb reserves the right to remove any material that it deems to be inappropriate. Users who submit inappropriate material may be banned from submitting content in the future, or may be banned from the site entirely.

Photo Guide

To ensure a level of consistency across MADb, users submitting photos for representing models should follow these guidelines:

  • Photos should be clear and in focus.
  • Photos should be well-lit and free of glare.
  • Photos should be taken against a plain background, with no distracting elements.
    • Settings in scale airports are allowed, but all other models should be out of focus.
  • Photos should be cropped to remove any unnecessary space around the model.
  • Images should not not contain any border or frame.
  • Photo resolution should be at least 800px by 600px, but preferably larger than 1600px by 1200px.
  • Photos should be in landscape orientation and have an aspect ratio between 4:3 and 5:3.
  • The model should be centered in the frame.
  • Unless showing detail, the model should be shown from the side or some angle that includes the side.
  • Photos should not include any part of a person.
  • The first photo (used for thumbnails) should be, when possible, a direct-side left-facing shot. If not available, a direct-side right-facing shot or a photo that most closely matches these criteria should be used first.

Photos with boxes are highly encouraged to help with data verification. If included, they should include the front of the box and any other sides necessary to clearly show all indentifying information available.

Permissions Received

MADb has received permission from the following sources to use their content on this site:

  • GeminiJets
  • NG Models
  • Inflight200
  • JC Wings
  • 3D Design Deck
  • 400scalehangar
  • CRwings400

Users are permitted to submit photos owned these entities, provided it can be shown that the ownership belongs to one of the above.

Commercial Use

Commercial use of media content from MADb is not permitted without the express permission of the copyright holder.